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Viết lại lịch sử Trung Hoa (Anh – Việt) Bản tiếng Anh trên amazon Rewriting Chinese History Paperback – March 12, 2021 by Thuy Van Ha (Author) See all formats and editions
Lời giới thiệu của Tiến sĩ Nguyễn Đức Hiệp
Chuyên gia Khoa học khí quyển, Bộ Môi trường và Bảo tồn, New South Wales, Australia
Anh Thùy là người bạn mà tôi quen biết từ hơn 10 năm nay qua những bài viết trước kia của anh và của riêng tôi về lịch sử và nguồn gốc con người ở Đông Nam Á và Đông Á dựa vào những khám phá khoa học mới về di truyền học vào cuối thế kỷ 20 và đầu thế kỷ 21. Chúng tôi đã liên lạc qua điện thư và tiếp xúc trao đổi vài lần khi tôi có dịp về Việt Nam qua đó tôi được biết anh không những là nhà văn, nhà báo mà trước đó anh đã là nhà sinh học, tốt nghiệp cử nhân sinh học từ trường đại học ....Điều này cho tôi câu trả lời một phần về sự đam mê hăng say của anh trong các công trình nghiên cứu về cội nguồn dân tộc Việt và các cư dân Đông Nam Á và Đông Á qua các chứng cứ về di truyền học.
Ở Australia trong các năm 2003-2006, tôi, anh Nguyễn Văn Tuấn và anh Cung Đình Thanh có cộng tác viết các bài về đề tài này để đăng trên tập san Tư Tưởng do anh Cung Đình Thanh sáng lập. Chúng tôi có liên lạc, trao đổi thông tin và chia sẽ các ý tưởng, đề tài nghiên cứu với anh Thùy. Sau này khi anh Thanh mất, và cũng do bản thân tôi chuyển qua các lãnh vực và đề tài nghiên cứu khác nên không còn liên lạc nhiều với anh Thùy.
Nhưng tôi biết anh vẫn kiên trì và tập trung vào công việc mà trước đây chúng tôi đã bỏ công sức làm sáng tỏ những điều chưa biết hay ngộ nhận trong lịch sử
Đúng như anh viết trong sách “Một con người chưa hiểu biết về gốc gác của mình chưa thể là con người trưởng thành” và tôi đồng ý về nhận định này. Chúng ta không thể biết được vị trí tư thế của mình trong cộng đồng các nước trên thế giới khi chưa hiểu hay nhận thức được về “căn cước” (identity) của mình. Vùng đông Nam Á từ Miến Điện đến bán đảo Đông Dương và từ miền trung du bắc Việt Nam cho đến sông Dương Tử, ta không thể không ngạc nhiên khi nhận thấy một sự đa dạng sắc tộc cực kỳ lớn hơn hẳn không những vùng bắc Đông Á mà còn ở nhiều nơi khác trên thế giới.
Điều mà nay đã được minh chứng rõ ràng trong khoa học di truyền qua phân tích mitochondria và chromosome DNA là con người ở Đông Nam Á và Hoa Nam có đa dạng di truyền sinh học rất cao so với người ở Hoa Bắc (mà Hán tộc là đại đa số). Nó nói lên là tổ tiên của người ở Đông Nam Á và Hoa Nam hiện diện trước và cổ xưa hơn người ở Hoa Bắc. Hay nói dễ hiểu và logic hơn là người Đông Nam Á và Hoa Nam đã thiên cư lên phía bắc và Hán tộc ở Hoa Bắc thật ra chính là hậu duệ của người cổ Đông Nam Á. Đây là một dữ kiện và sự thật nếu được nhận thức đúng tầm quan trọng của nó, có thể đảo lộn về quan điểm cho rằng người Việt chúng ta về nhân chủng cũng như về văn hóa là bắt nguồn từ thế giới Hán Hoa.
Trong quyển sách này tác giả Hà Văn Thùy cũng cho thấy về phương diện văn hóa và văn minh, sự thật thì người Hán Hoa đã học hỏi và nhận được sự đóng góp lớn lao của văn hóa người Bách Việt từ phương Nam. Trong chương Một, anh đã viết tóm tắt tổng quan, rất có ích cho nhiều người trong hay ngoài ngành, về các tư liệu lịch sử, các di chỉ khảo cổ học chính ở Trung Hoa từ trước đến nay và các yếu tố làm nên quan niệm về nguồn gốc dân tộc Trung Hoa. Sau đó anh đi vào chi tiết về sự hình thành con người Trung Hoa và trình bày súc tích các tộc Bách Việt và các nước Việt trong lịch sử Trong các chương sau đó về thời đá mới, thời đồ đồng ở Trung Quốc, tác giả đã cho thấy sự đóng góp của người Bách Việt tại các di tích khảo cổ mà thật ra họ có thể là chủ nhân của các di chỉ này. Vấn đề lớn hơn là sự hình thành tiếng nói và chữ viết Trung Hoa, ở đây tác giả đã có những lý giải dựa trên các chứng cớ khảo cổ, ngôn ngữ học rất phong phú.
Nhận thấy đây là công trình có giá trị, mặc dầu có vài lý giải có thể còn chưa được sự đồng thuận của nhiều nhà nghiên cứu hiện nay ở trong và ngoài nước, tôi trân trọng giới thiệu công trình nghiên cứu công phu này của anh Hà Văn Thùy đến bạn đọc.
Sydney, ngày 15/06/2013
Nguyễn Đức Hiệp
Chuyên gia Khoa học khí quyển
Bộ Môi trường và Bảo tồn, New South Wales, Australia
Mr. Ha Van Thuy has been my friend for over past 10 years through his previous articles and my own writings on history and origin of humans in Southeast Asia and East Asia, based on recent scientific discoveries and new researches in genetics in the late 20th century and early 21st century. We have contacts and communication via e-mail and several meetings when I had a chance to visit Vietnam. Since then, I know that he is not only a writer and a journalist, but before that, he had been a biologist, who holds a BA in biology from Hanoi University (1963-1967). This helps explain partially the answer to the arduously passionate enthusiasm for his study of the origin of ethnic Vietnamese and the inhabitants of Southeast Asia and East Asia through genetic evidence.
In Australia during 2003-2006, Mr. Nguyen Van Tuan, Mr. Cung Dinh Thanh and I collaborated in writing articles on the above mentioned subject for publication in the Journal “Tu Tưởng” (Philosophical Thoughts) founded by Mr. Cung Dinh Thanh. We had been in contact, sharing information and ideas, and the themes for researches with Thuy. Then later, when Mr. Thanh passed away, and I myself kept moving through to the other domains and fields of researches, I had fewer communications with Thuy.
In his e-mail, Thuy confided himself in me: "In the endless nights, my mind travels against the current of the timeline to seek for the racial origins, I was overjoyed to find the Tu Tuong Journal group, which was encouraging and leading my way. I followed you, brothers, with many hopes. But then Mr. Thanh lost his life, you and Mr. Tuan "pursued your own career to quit the game", I became directionless, helpless and felt abandoned ...
He could be directionless for a certain lonely time, but in some ways, equipped with his own prone direction, Mr. Thuy did not give up. Having been trained as a biologist, he also strived his best to become the most knowledgeable writer on the new understanding and developmentof national history, and good luck came when he came to know the Vietnamese Confucian ideas of the philosopher Kim Dinh. Thus, when he caught up with the new findings on genetics, the seeds sown from many sources, blossomed into dicot seedlings. Within five years from 2007 to 2011, he published three books: Searching for the Original Sources of Vietnamese Culture (Literature Publishing House, 2007), Journey to Find the Racial Origin (Literature, 2008) and Searching for Racial Origin through Genetics Studies (Literature, 2011). The three books have the same theme, but each book is a revelation, a gradual maturation of knowledge and ideas.
In the preface to the third book, the author writes: "While excited in the restoration of the stunningly magnificent gallery of Vietnamese national culture, the writer could not have sufficient time to build up the stairs, thus the admirers have no way to go up, and they thought that it was "a steamed vapor gallery!" So, the writer finds it was necessary to write another book, a collection of front-line and trusted studies in the concerned field, the reference studies and all the articles with which the author has courtesy to share, just to pave the way for open access to all".
And he did realize his planned mission. The valuable work laid the foundations for a new scientific study of the origin and migration of human to Vietnam land, performed by J.Y Chu group, by Stephen Oppenheimer, and by Wilhelm Solheim II ... previously, shown in the bibliographic directories in English. Now that, these are already translated into Vietnamese. Not just satisfied with the translation, the author, in his abilities, has his own comment on the documents, thus contributing to guide the readers. As the author says: "With such features, this book may be supportive for the readers as a material for wanting to be introduced into the new scientific methods in the study of prehistoric Vietnamese people."
After the third book, the author of the novel "Nguyen Thi Lo" wants to retire from prehistory exploration to go back to the present with his on-going novel ... But at a time, he suddenly perceived in his discovery that all the findings in the Vietnamese culture origin had retrieved from the secret realm of the Chinese world, hadn't it? So, in the Spring of 2012 the book "A Retrieval of Chinese History" was drafted.
The author said, when he started writing, he had thought that there was enough materials for his works. But when the chapters came to life with the book, he found himself missing too much. So he paused and relied on the Internet, surfing and searching to every corner of the human intellect to retrieve the knowledge on China, from the Zhoukoudian, Yangshao, Longshan cultures ... to the latest exploration in the Fairy Cave on the banks of the Yangtze River in the early 2012, to practice an overall inventory of great intellect about the largest human civilization on planet! And with his special susceptible mind, he already connected the findings, then decoded them, processed them to turn the scientific knowledge of each individual science, ever known to human beings, into stunning new statements, highlighted by surprises ...
"A Retrieval of Chinese History" written by Thuy is lying on my desk with the request for my foreword. It appears a great honor for me and also a difficult and heavy duty task, because the expected foreword can not be a normal book review. To achieve a matching writing, it takes me time and full dedication.
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With the wish to access this book, first of all, it needs to understand the history of the anthropology in Vietnam. In a sense, the Vietnamese anthropology emerged with vague ideas from the early ancient times, when the people aspire their primitive ancestors, with the legend told by the Dao: "God created the round gourd. After a cataclysmic deluge, the gourd was broken. Each grain from the gourd sprang out to form a ethnic group who started a living on earth." Then, from the legendary stories, the people found the ancestor named Suiren[1] who taught the people how to drill wood for fire, and madam Nuwa who mended the sky with rock, and Fuxi who interpreted the speech by written characters, and old Shennong who "taught the people the art of cereal cultivation".
And nearer to the current time, the Father Dragon "Lac Long Quan" (the Dragon Lord of the Lac) and Au Co Mother Fairy gave birth to a hundred eggs wrapped in an amniotic sac ... The Vietnamese people in their verbal language keep saying: Vietnamese and Chinese are homogeneous in speech and in racial origin, that is why the first line of Comprehensive Version of Great Vietnamese History has a statement: "Since the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di) set up all the kingdoms ..." The ideas for anthropology vaguely in their primitive formation came into being to become real anthropology when the French Protectorate established the Ancient Far East Institute[2] in Hanoi in 1898.
At that time, the understanding on the Far East of French scholars were still poor, so the main characters of the School were mainly the Sinologist, such as Aurousseau L., H. Maspero ... Being Western scholars, implicitly they had the concepts that Central Europe - Europe was the center of human civilization. The excellence weapons of those who went "civilizing" were the two solid scientific postulates: human civilization from Mesopotamia passed through Greece and Rome to Europe, then from there through Central Asia to China, and finally to Southeast Asia. As humans, the tribes moved from Tibetan plateau to the southeast, through China to Vietnam. As Confusion scholars, they were naturally disciples of a conception that Chinese Center - China was the center of Eastern civilization. In their eyes, Vietnam and Southeast Asia were just stagnant pools of history! Therefore, to understand the savage Annam, the French scholars started from studies of ancient China.
In 1904, published in the Le Cambodge in Paris, the academicians E. Aymonier proposed a hypothesis: "The Mon-Khmer language ancestors originated from the southern slopes of Tibet and then moved to the south in two direction, southwest bound were Munda people born in India, southeast bound were the Mon-Khmer ethnic groups in Indochina."
From this theory, in the early 20th century, the scholar L. Aurousseau explored the Chinese bibliography, and said: "The Vietnamese used to stay in China before emigrating to current North Vietnam. The Chu originated from the Vietnamese Kinh with territory of the two provinces of Hubei and Hunan today, it appeared before the eleventh century BC. By the ninth century BC, a community branch migrated south bound, along the Yangtze River, and settled down in Zhejiang, which formed the founding of the Kingdom of BaiYue (King Goujian of Yue) prior to the sixth century BC. In 333 BC, the Kingdom of Chu defeated the Kingdom of BaiYue, Yue Vietnamese people in four groups ran all the way southbound in four directions: Eastern Europe Group or Eastern Viet settled in Wenzhou (Zhejiang). The Minyue stayed in Fujian. Southern Viet stayed in Guangdong, Guangxi. The Lạc Việt (Luo Yuê) Pinyin stayed southern Guangxi and current North of Vietnam. The above groups were then assimilated by Chinese, while the Lac Viet Pinyin was free from Chinese assimilation ... "
"So in our time, we have enough evidence to say that the current Annamite today are the direct descendants of the Kingdom of Yue (Viet) people destroyed in 333 BC, and their ancient ancestors, dating back to the sixth century BC, were the dwellers in Province Zhejiang of China nowadays, somewhere around the river basin of the River of the same name"[1]
Applying the two theories in the field of linguistics, the top linguists of French School of the Far East, Monsieur Joint L. Maspero had a statement: "Vietnamese language borrows about 70% from the Chinese language."
One of the renowned scholars of that time, such as Georges Coedes, Director of the French School of the Far East from 1920 to 1950, who worked through the Sanskrit inscription found in the Cham towers in Vietnam, said that the Southeast Asian was just reborn descendant of two great civilizations of India and China.
Since the 1920s, the French School of the Far East had conducted several archaeological excavations, before they discovered the Hoa Binh Culture of Neolithic time. By the 1930s, the Dong Son bronze drums[3] had been discovered with their sophisticated welding techniques. In his judgment over the ancient artifact, the Austrian anthropologist Robert Heine-Geldern thought that Southeast Asia had experienced many "cultural waves", and the ongoing immigrations had brought to the Southeast Asia modern techniques. He believed that the ax blade in the shape of the arch had to be made by skillful craftmen who definitely came from northern China. The "Dong Son bronze drum" is the result of a wave of other cultures, derived from the Eastern Europeans, who migrated south bound about 1000 BC and arrived in Southeast Asia about 500 years later.
While leading scholars of French Orientalists confined themselves within the narrow prejudice, the panorama of the anthropology were more diverse.
At that time, there were already two existing theories about human origins. Out of Africa hypothesis, it is said that modern humans emerged from Africa only about 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. Contrary to it, the Multiregional hypothesis explains that modern humans get evolved in many localities around the world since Homo erectus about 1 to 2 million years ago.
The Thought of the Multiregional hypothesis associated with ancient Chinese scholars' writing dominates the scholars of French School of the Far East, driving them into a view of prejudice and misleading preconceptions on the Far East.
In January 1932, the International Archaeological Conference on prehistory of the Far East held in Hanoi confirms: "the Hoa Binh Culture is central in the first invention of agricultural cultivation and livestock farming in the world. The agricultural Center of Hoa Binh had come into being 3,000 years before there was one in Mesopotamia. "(Encyclopedia d'Archeologie). However, this finding was not supported by the school of thought from French School of the Far East.
Such conservatism is not just about archeology, but also in many other areas, especially in linguistics. Until 1905, the French Colonel Frey, H, (1847-1932) who had worked in West Africa and Indochina published three books related to the languages of Vietnam, these are : (1) L'Annamite, mère des langues; communaute d'origine des races celtiques, semitiques, soudanaises et de l'Indo-Chine, Paris, 1892, 248p. (Vietnamese, mother of the languages of the communities with origin from Celtic race, Jews, Sudan and Indochina); (2) Annamites et occidentaux Extreme, Recherche sur l'origine des langues, Paris, Hachette, 1894, 272 p. (Annamite and Far West. Research on the Origin of Languages), and (3) Les Egyptiens prehistoriques identifies avec les Annamites, d'apres les inscriptions hieroglyphiques Paris, Hachette, 1905, 106 p. (The prehistoric Egyptians links with the Annamese, identified through the hieroglyphic inscriptions). Several other authors also had similar view with Frey: Vietnamese is the mother of oriental languages. However, the key scholars of the French School of the Far East rejected this suggestion. Specifically, from 1933 to 1937, with the debate between the Polish linguist Przilusky with academics Maspero on the origin of language in Vietnam. While Przilusky agreed with Frey that the Vietnamese language elicited the oriental languages, which were then strongly opposed by Maspero, in keeping his viewpoints abreast: 70% of Vietnamese language is borrowed from the Chinese language. Here in this debate, the winner was not the scientific truth, but the social position of the debater. Przilusky's viewpoint was totally rejected. The other Vietnamese pioneer scholars like Tran Trong Kim, Nguyen Van To, Dao Duy Anh just learned it to follow the school of thought and disseminated it into the formal knowledge of the Vietnamese community.
While the critical charaters of the French School of the Far East kept abreast their prejudice, controversial and mixed voices kept appearing in the field of the science.
In 1952, following the ideas of the Conference on Prehistory of the Far East 20 years ago, the American scholar C. Sauer wrote in his "Agricultural Origins and Dispersals": "It is true that agriculture has progressed through two stages where the first stage is the Hoa Binh culture. Paddy was planted simultaneously with taro. ""I have proven that Southeast Asia is the cradle of the oldest agriculture. And I also prove that the culture of agricultural origin is associated with fishing with net in this country. I also demonstrate that the oldest domesticated animals originated from Southeast Asia, and this is an important center of the world of cultivation techniques and domestication of plant by plant reproduction "
In 1965, to save a relic being submerged in the hydropower plant reservoir, the research team of Professor Solheim II was dispatched to Thailand. Through artifacts found in The Spirit Cave, Chester Gorman and colleagues estimated that The Spirit Cave has been used by humans about 10,000 years BC. Here, he discovered an ax and a knife dating back to 7,000 BC (the dating is older than the ax found in China which dated back 2,000 years. Before that, such tools are thought to have been "exported" to Southeast Asia by the Chinese about 3000 BC).
In 1972, Chester Gorman returned to Thailand. He found two other grottos, and he could conclude that there had been a process of human settlements there about 10,000 BC to 1,000 years BC. He named this prosperous economy after Hoa Binh economy (Peace) (because the tools have the same shape as the tools found in Hoa Binh previously). In 1966, another one of Solheim II's students called Donn Bayard excavated a prehistoric cemetery Non Nok Tha (Thailand). Here, while just digging down to 1.5 meters, he discovered 800 vases, ceramic vases buried along with their owners. Through analysis, Bayard estimated the dating of relics from 3,500 to 2,000 years BC (this is also the time when the cities of Mesopotamia began to appear). Also, Bayard discovered some tools like axes, bracelets made of copper and tin. The tools found here absolutely had no signs of roughness; on the contrary, they demonstrated that the manufacturer did the metal smelting and casting in mold. The findings in the Spirit Cave and in Non Nok Tha cemetery were solemn challenges to the theory which had been circulated and accepted before.
From those discovery, in 1967, Professor WG Solheim II wrote:
"I think that when we re-studied a lot of evidence in the mainland of Southeast Asia, we can be fully convinced by the discoveries that the first crop domestication in the world was practiced by the population in Hoa Binh (Vietnam) during 10,000 BC ... "
"That Hoa Binh culture is the indigenous local culture not influenced by the outsides at all, leading to the Bac Son culture."
"That the northern and central mainland of Southeast Asian had progressive cultures in which the development of first polished stone tools in Asia already existed, not having been mentioned as the first in the world, and ceramics had already invented "... " that it is not only the first domestication of plants as Mr. Sauer suggested and demonstrated, but also to go further, it had provided ideas for agriculture in the West. And later afterward some plants were transferred to India and Africa. And Southeast Asia continued to be an advanced area in the Far East until China overwhelmed to replace this impulse in the first half of 2nd millennium BC, or about 1500 BC. "[2]
The strange thing is that those discoveries did not resonate in the scientific domain in Vietnam.
During this time, under the US bombing, the archaeologists in Northern Vietnam were eager to look for traces of the Dong Son culture with political goals for disclosure of the time of King Hung in Vietnam.
Promoting the idea of Maspero of the French School of the Far East, under the oil lamp light in evacuation camps in Đai Tu district of Thái Nguyên province, a leading professor of Vietnamese linguistics, Professor Nguyen Tai Can drafted his great works in linguistics: "Origins and the formation of Sino - Vietnamese" Another scholar, Professor Cao Xuan Hao, worked all by himself, lonely searching for the essence of Vietnamese grammar which was believed to distorted by Western languages learners !
In the domain of anthropology, Professor Nguyen Dinh Khoa diligently kept daily measuring the dimentions of more than 70 skulls in the ancient skull collection of Vietnam, to conceive the works on "Anthropology of Southeast Asia".
In 1980, the works conceived in war flames and smokes was born.
Applying the concept of historical materialism of Marxism, the historical sciences of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam convicted Zhao Tuo as an invader and deported the Dynasty Zhao out of the officially recognized history. Since the discovery of the Dong Son culture, the Vietnamese historians of the Vietnamese government deny the Xich Quy state (Red Devils State) legend 2879 BC to affirm that Vietnamese history began 2700 years ago.
The book "The Origin and Formation of Sino-Vietnamese Pronunciation" came into being. Having overpassed his Western mentor, Professor Nguyen discovered the ancient Chinese and the Vietnamized Sino-Vietnam in Vietnamese language, implicitly acknowledged that Vietnamese language borrows more than 70% of Chinese mother language! Being extolled by the domestic and international academia, the author received Ho Chi Minh Prize in Phase I. Meanwhile, in several studies, step by step Cao Xuan Hao gradually rediscovered the original grammar of Vietnamese language, which had been modified to go in alignment with Gallus grammar for many years! And of course, he became a troublesome, bumpy, undesirable character!
In "Anthropology of Southeast Asia", Professor Nguyen Dinh Khoa had his conclusions:
"Out of the deluge, on the territory of Vietnam and Southeast Asia appeared two great apes: Mongoloid and Australoid, they mingled together to give rise to four Homo sapiens: Indonesien, Melanesien, Vedoid and Negritoid, classified in race classification as Australoid race. During the New Stone Age (Neolithic), the Southeast Asian inhabitants originated from two great apes Mongoloid and Australoid with the kind of cohabited racial mix, among them the Indonesien and Melanesien were the two principal components. When it came to the Bronze- Iron age, throughout Southeast Asia, a vigorous transformation took place from Indonesien type into Southern Asian (Southern Mongoloid). The Australoid component was shrunken down to a minimum level in the region, with no clues to attribute it to immigration or assimilation. "
From today perspective to look back, through the lens of genetics, we find that it is extremely accurate detection, which could be said to be the highest achievement that the anthropology of "measuring skulls" has attained. However, due to limitations of science at the time, the professor's discovery as well as the question posed by him are still pending there!
And until 2003, Professor Tran Quoc Vuong, positioned as one of the "four pillars" of Vietnam historians still claimed on BBC Vietnamese: "Vietnam espouses the Multiregional hypothesis on human ancestors."
It is possible to say that by the end of the last century, the Vietnamese human science, despite its discoveries appended with additional archaeological sites, but ideological, basically has not overcome what were formed during the time of the French School of the Far East, it even has some reversals.
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The signs of the crisis appear when social science becomes helpless with its failure to answer the questions raised by life.
The crisis in Vietnamese anthropology is real, but ultimately in the simple words, it is also entailed from the general crisis of anthropology as a result of no new breakthroughs to be made, to settle a fundamental problem once and for all: it is the origin of modern men and the formation of nations on Earth.
And what would come did really come into being.
It was September 29, 1998, when a team led by Professor JY Chu announced announced their study on the genetic relationship of the Chinese population with the following contents:
- Homo sapiens were born in the East Africa about 160,000 to 200,000 years ago.
- The prehistoric men from Africa travelled across the Red Sea, along the Indian Ocean coast to Vietnam about 60,000 to 70,000 years ago.
- In Vietnam, they intermingled, and increased in number, 50,000 years ago and migrated to the islands off the coast of Southeast Asia, to India. 40,000 years ago, when the northern climate improved, they went to China and about 30,000 years ago, crossed the Bering Strait to conquer America. [3]
The information caused a seismic shock in the American scientists' community because it means a challenge to overthrow the Multiregional hypothesis theory and opens a broad perspective for anthropology in the world.
In Australia, we received the news with great joy as our profession we embarked on the study. In 2001 we published the first article about this discovery and in the years 2003 to 2006, articles were uploaded in the Journal of Thoughts.
Ha Van Thuy Anh approached the works JY group Chu in late 2004 and since then he has been in contact with us academically. Thuy 's three books could have been written thanks to the ideology from these new discoveries.
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With about 300 pages in print, "A Retrieval of Chinese History" could have held the record for fewer number of words that contain mass amount of information:
- So far, though boasts 24 national history books (Twenty-Four versions of History), the Chinese have not yet identified who their ancestors were. The leading Chinese scholars are scrambling in two perspectives: The Classic believe that their ancestors were from Erectus Yuanmou County, the Zhoukoudian. The reformer claim that their ancestors are the Arian from the West. In "A Retrieval of Chinese History", in consistent with previously published disclosure, and with more solid evidence, the author asserts, the Chinese were migrants from Vietnam who went north bound, during historical process intermingled with the Northern Mongoloid, also from Vietnam land.
- A sensitive issue in the history of China is the source of Huaxia group. The authors discovered that the Huaxia people appeared around 2700 BC, after the invasion of the northern Mongoloid people in the locality of Vietnamese Mongoloid in the South of Southern Huang-He (Yellow River). Here, the hybrids of Mongolian-Vietnamese were born. Thanks to a combination of two racial bloods and two cultures, the Huaxia became the elite class, holding the leadership roles for large groups of Vietnamese population, making brilliant period of the Oriental from Yao, Shun to the Western Zhou. Due to the glory of the nation Huaxia so later, having won power of authority, the Vietnamese originated leaders such as Qin Shi Huang, Liu Bang and large parts of Vietnamese population claimed themselves as Huaxia people.
- On contrary to the belief firmly imparted in the international linguistic world with the theories of the Swedish linguist Bernhard Karlgren, who believes that Chinese belongs to Han Tibetan language family, that Vietnamese language borrows 60% of the Chinese language; with many difficult-to-be rebutted evidences, the author proves that the Chinese language is the ancient Vietnamese speaking in Mongolian way (Mongol parlance) and there is not the so-called exclusive Proto Sino-Tibetan language.
- So far, apart from the legendary Yellow Emperor (Huang Di) who assigned Cangjie to invent the written characters, the Chinese have not identified who had created the calligraphic square shaped characters. In his work, with many hard arguing evidence, the author shows that the ancient Vietnamese people in the south of the Yangtze invented hieroglyphics, from the primitive scripts left on the ancient rocks field in Sapa to the Jiahu characters, Cam Tang[4] and to the highest form of Oracle bone script in Anyang Henan. In the invasion of Henan, the Shang learned the characters of the Viet and enriched them.
- The fifth discovery of the author is the identification of two cultures on Chinese soil. During the long dwelling in the land of China, the Vietnamese had built here the cultures of developed agriculture. With the invasion of Xuan Yuan and the appearance of Huaxia group, the Chinese culture transformed into a brilliant age by the end of the Western Zhou dynasty. Then, due to turbulent history, the invading nomads infiltrated, and the nomadic instinct in Huaxia rose up which pushed Chinese into brutality in the Warring States Period. Various Chinese empires took the formation, upholding the nomadic instincts, they created the face of modern Chinese culture.
- In one article, the author asked, "Return justice to history." With his writings, the author not only returned the justice to the history, but also found valuable lessons from history.
As far as we all know, about 10,000 years ago when the last Ice Age ended, the West domesticated the first sheep, the goat step in nomadic mode. But previously, 50-60000 ago, in the East of Eden, the Vietnamese already had a settled social life and soon started with the cultivation. It is agriculture, which made up the vibrant brilliant culture of the Oriental East. 300 years ago, the capitalism of the nomadic civilization equipped with steel weapon, and bacteria and the guns moved in and destroyed the Oriental culture, and now it is threatening to destroy humanity. The human intellect is now in crisis, while a way out has not been identified. The leading minds of the West believe that the problem of mankind today is due to the pinched feminism. A fatal mistake! Not a feminism that matters, but the bigger problem becomes a cosmic size: the Yin - Yang imbalance in the world! As the offspring of nomadic civilization, capitalism has pushed the world into the operation of promoting the masculine Yang side and depressing the feminine Yin side, leading to collapse.
What can be done to save mankind? Oriental Wisdom points out that the world should return to harmonious operation under the rule of three to two ratio[5] applied for long time in the agriculture of the Vietnamese ethnic, ie, three portions reserved for the Father, the Yang , and two portions are devoted to Mother, the Yin!
As mentioned above, I touched upon a crisis in Vietnamese anthropology. It is not unusual in view of it as a part of the general crisis of the humanity in the world, as with all the efforts of technology in the old methodology, humans are still powerless to solve the most fundamental problem, it is the human origin and formation of nations on the planet. All historical behavior, and cultural activities are the product of human society, it is only to comprehend the cultural history when to understand the owners of the history and the culture!
In front of the threshold to XXI century, an up-to-date technology with a new methodology opens up great opportunities of the humanities. People find exactly their ancestors not through artifacts or fossils bones but right through their sacred blood.
As a fortune, but probably rather by karma, so not a single penny was spent on works of genetics, the Vietnamese acquired large volumes of research results of the humanity. Magically, all the illustrious discoveries in first decade of the century have demonstrated that prehistoric human from Africa actually came to Vietnam and then spread throughout Asia; that the Vietnamese have the highest genetic diversity in the East Asian ethnicity ... Once Vietnam was the cradle of the peoples of Asia, it is also implicitly a cradle of civilization in Asia!
In his study, researcher Ha Van Thuy, actually laid the foundation for Vietnamese modern anthropology and put the Vietnam humanity in the advanced ranks of the modern world. This works is perceivably of valuable, although several interpretations have not gained the consensus of many contemporary researchers at home and abroad, I would like to recommend this elaborate study of Mr. Ha Van Thuy to the readers.
Sydney, 15. 06. 2013
Ph.D. Nguyễn Đức Hiệp
Expert in atmosphere science, Department of Environment and Conservation, New South Wales, Australia
1. L. Aurousseau. Exposé de géographie historique du pays d'Annam An Investigation of the infertile population Southern roots. Translation of Hong Nhan Pham Quynh. Nam Phong magazine No. 84, May 6-1924, p. 480
2. W.G. Solheime II. New Light on Forgotten Past. National Geographic, Vol. 139, No. 3, Mar. 1971.)
3. J.Y. Chu et al. Genetic Relationship of Populations in China. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 1998 no. 95 pages. 11763-11768)